
Our company has more than 30 years experience in its area of expertise and has built its success on the fundamental principle of respect for the customer and for his/her needs, as well as our close attention to detail and quality in all of our products.

As producers of almost all of our own products, we have the ability and the flexibility to satisfy every demand and desire. We pride ourselves on having an expertise that covers the whole range of our market and guarantees quality in both the production process itself and in the final product. Because of our integrated production processes, our company has been able to develop a wide range of products, available in a broad variety of quantities, shapes and prints, the quality of which, in terms of both materials and performance, leaves nothing to be desired. In cooperation with large international manufacturers, our company has the ability to offer high quality products designed in accordance with our customers’ requirements.

Coasters can be printed in all quantities and grades from single ply to 9 ply disposable coasters to reusable coasters with thicknesses varying from 1mm to 2.5mm. With regard to placemats, there are a wide variety of types and materials to choose from to suit every occasion.

Our product range also includes cutlery sleeves, glass caps, trays for coasters, menus and brochures with a large selection of designs – all with high quality color printing.

All of these products, and many more, can be found on the following pages.

